
…me permission to make extensive use of the fine NASB translation of the Bible. – The site is a marvelous source of scripture with parallel translations, commentaries, Greek and Hebrew translations, dictionaries, and lexicons. I particularly found the commentaries of Jamieson-Fausset-Brown and Barnes’ Notes on the Bible to be helpful. – I found the search function at Bible Gateway to be particularly helpful, especially the ability to use the “match any word”, “match all words”, or “match exact phrase” options. – This commentary on Revelation (based on the Pre-Wrath view) is reasonable and interesting. For me,…

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The Antichrist

…questions: Do we have reason to believe that God is displeased with the churches on earth? Are churches ignoring His warnings? I would say: Of course God is displeased! Why does Revelation begin with the messages to the churches which are full of rebukes and warnings to repent? Why do scriptures tell us about the corruption of churches in the last days (2 Tim 3:1, 4, 5, 2 Tim 3:13, 2 Tim 4:3-4)? And why does Revelation symbolically link the persecuting force of the end times with the name Babylon (e.g. Rev 17:5-6, Rev 18:20) — the Satanic kingdom that…

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The Final Restoration of Israel

…because of Israel’s unbelief. Paul warns that God can also take those things away from some of the Gentiles and give them to Israel — and that day will come. Israel will be restored to be better representatives of God than the Gentiles (verse 24) — In agreement with the Old Testament prophecies above, Israel will turn to God. Paul indicates that the Jews (the natural branches) will be grafted back with greater success than the unnatural wild branches, which represent the Gentiles. Sadly, and to our shame, Gentile Christians have been arrogant and conceited toward the Jews many times

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The Number Seven

The Prominence of Seven The number seven is the most prominent number throughout the whole Bible. The word “seven” (or derivatives such as “seventh”, “seventy”, etc.) appears in the Bible 562 times. The book of the Bible that uses the word “seven” most frequently is Revelation, where it appears 55 times. One cannot read Revelation without being struck by the heavy repetition of seven. There are seven churches, seven lampstands, seven stars and a seven-fold spirit — and that’s just the first chapter! Later there are seven messages to the churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, seven thunders, seven…

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Site Map Welcome to RevelationLogic Home Site Map Commentary Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Articles How to Interpret Revelation Revelation Overview Why Two Comings of Christ? What Does “Soon” Mean? The Number Seven The Messages to the Seven Churches The Great Promise Who Are The Twenty-Four Elders? The 70th Week of Daniel The Olivet Discourse Biblical Years The Final Restoration of Israel…

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The Battle of Armageddon

…seventh bowl event, in chapter 19. What is the Outcome of the Battle? By the time the armies of the nations prepare to assemble in Israel, a series of devastating bowl plagues will have destroyed much of the earth. The latest such plague shall be darkness over all the earth (the fifth bowl event). Even under these circumstances, the determined nations shall utterly commit themselves to the “great cause” of sending armies to destroy Israel in hopes of saving the world, because they are convinced that Israel is somehow causing the plagues. Their arrival in Israel will be the fulfillment…

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Biblical Years

…References: · The Calendar Takes Shape in Mesopotamia ( · A 360 – Day Administrative Year in Ancient Israel ( It is only natural then that Noah would record months and days according to that calendar, and that Moses would accurately relate Noah’s account. In my view, this is the simplest (and best) explanation. We see Biblical years more clearly at the opposite end of the Bible. Revelation refers to the great tribulation period two ways: 42 months (Rev 11:2, Rev 13:5) and 1260 days (Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6). The only way to equate 42 months and 1,260 days is…

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Welcome to RevelationLogic

…hand, if both of these articles do seem reasonable to you, then please read on! Having read these articles, you shall be well-prepared to go forward. The Commentary menu will take you through the chapter-by-chapter online commentary, starting with chapter 1. To keep the commentary from becoming too verbose and repetitive, I’ve placed the discussion of several major topics into articles, and then link to those articles within the commentary. However, the articles are meant to be self-contained, and you can reach all of them directly using the Articles menu. The About menu offers some information about the author (me)…

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