Welcome to RevelationLogic

The premise of this website is that a defensible understanding of Revelation must be well within our grasp, as long as sound methods of interpretation are employed. This means that we should seek consistency with the entire body of scripture, without preconceived notions, without imaginative speculations, and without resorting to excessively complicated explanations. Taking this approach, we shall see that a coherent understanding of the prophecy emerges, presented in a context that causes all parts of the prophecy to fit neatly together.

Of course, you are invited to judge for yourself. At this point, I’ll say that I do believe that Revelation contains prophecy concerning the future of the earth and that it is important for people to understand and take heed of what it has to say.

To save your time, I recommend that you first review the following two articles:

How to Interpret Revelation This proposes the general approach for interpreting Revelation.
Revelation Overview This summarizes the overall content and structure of Revelation.

These two articles are the foundation for the rest of this website. Therefore, if either of them seems unacceptable to you, then you might not find this website to be very helpful.

On the other hand, if both of these articles do seem reasonable to you, then please read on! Having read these articles, you shall be well-prepared to go forward.

The Commentary menu will take you through the chapter-by-chapter online commentary, starting with chapter 1. To keep the commentary from becoming too verbose and repetitive, I’ve placed the discussion of several major topics into articles, and then link to those articles within the commentary. However, the articles are meant to be self-contained, and you can reach all of them directly using the Articles menu. The About menu offers some information about the author (me) and the motivation for this website. Also, you may wish to visit the Site Map.

Free Commentary on Revelation - Online | RevelationLogic

Free Online Revelation Commentary – RevelationLogic.com

In any case, thank you for your visit, and best wishes in your effort to understand Revelation.